Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Annoying Questions

Every time I tell someone that I am a life guard I get the question, have you saved anyone? every single time someone asks what I do, I get this question and its so annoying. I never know how to respond because even had I saved someone its not like its a bragging right, Its like yeah I do my job sometimes, and I feel like had I actually had to save someone I wouldn't go around saying "yeah, I saved someone, Im the shit". I think I'm a little to modest for that.

When people ask me if I'm into any sports and I tell them that I used to be a swimmer, I always get the question, "why did you quit?" because I wanted too, maybe its something personal and you don't need to know my life. Even if it wasn't personal I probably don't care to talk about it because its over and I'm sick of answering the question. I usually just respond with cause because I hate that question.

I can't really think of any other persistent questions so flips side to this, Questions I hate asking people

Whats you're name?
    Its awkward and I don't like it, I usually just creep on a paper they've done to get there name or ask someone else.

where are you from?
    this one I never understand why people ask, I frankly don't care where someone is from, only that there here in front of me now.

How are you?
     Its always good, everyone is always good, unless its a special situation, then its justified.

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