Tuesday, February 25, 2014

my Shark Tank proposal review

There were lots of areas in my speech that you could tell were less prepared than they could have been and there were some awkward pauses where I was looking at the ground thinking of what came next in the speech. This could easily be fixed by preparing a little better; I didn't exactly have much time to prepare because there was a lot of stuff on my plate at the time and I could have done a lot better. This also plays into the fact that it was far too short of a presentation not even making the bare minimum of 3 minutes.

A big issue I noticed is my speech wasn't very linear, I didnt know exactly where I was going with it the whole time and I just spoke what came to mind and I believe I left out some things that I would have liked to say and that probably would have gotten me over that three minute marker.

Some nervous ticks that I noticed, however not as bad as I expected, was that I kept saying uh. It wasn't like I was saying it after very sentence but it could definitely use some work. There was also me looking down at the ground, this is something I definitely need to work on for next time and I think that will come with better preparation, not having to think as much. My volume could have been a little more pronounced, it sounded like I had spit in my mouth or something.

I think that I did well with my hands; I usually have really awkward arms or just put them in my pockets but I did a lot better in that respect. I also think I did well with my body, I moved around a bit and I didn't have a rocking motion or anything. My speed of voice was impeccable for me, I usually talk at 100 mph but I brought it down a lot for the proposal

Overall I think I did pretty well in the amount of time I had to prepare for it, I had like a solid hour or so to prepare and I was fairly distracted so an hour is being incredibly generous.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Annoying Questions

Every time I tell someone that I am a life guard I get the question, have you saved anyone? every single time someone asks what I do, I get this question and its so annoying. I never know how to respond because even had I saved someone its not like its a bragging right, Its like yeah I do my job sometimes, and I feel like had I actually had to save someone I wouldn't go around saying "yeah, I saved someone, Im the shit". I think I'm a little to modest for that.

When people ask me if I'm into any sports and I tell them that I used to be a swimmer, I always get the question, "why did you quit?" because I wanted too, maybe its something personal and you don't need to know my life. Even if it wasn't personal I probably don't care to talk about it because its over and I'm sick of answering the question. I usually just respond with cause because I hate that question.

I can't really think of any other persistent questions so flips side to this, Questions I hate asking people

Whats you're name?
    Its awkward and I don't like it, I usually just creep on a paper they've done to get there name or ask someone else.

where are you from?
    this one I never understand why people ask, I frankly don't care where someone is from, only that there here in front of me now.

How are you?
     Its always good, everyone is always good, unless its a special situation, then its justified.